Wood is a natural, beautiful and durable material. However, it is also vulnerable to attacks by certain insects that compromise its structure and appearance. The pests in question are woodworms, which feed on the wood’s pulp by burrowing tunnels into it.

Such infestation can cause significant damage to furniture, beams, floors and other wooden items, both in terms of appearance and functionality. If left unchecked, these pests can cause irreparable damage to the wood, rendering it brittle and unstable.

Woodworms are reddish-brown insects, with a length ranging from 2 to 20 mm, dependent on the species. The most common of these are:

  • Anobids: they are the smallest (2-3 mm) and are capable of attacking all types of wood, both hard and soft. They can be identified by their exit holes of around 1 mm in diameter and the fine dust they leave on surfaces.
  • Lyctids: they are similar to anobids but prefer soft, seasoned wood. Their exit holes are approximately 1-2 mm in diameter and leave a coarse dust on surfaces.
  • Cerambicidae: these are the largest (up to 20 mm) and attack fresh or slightly seasoned wood. Their exit holes are approximately 3-6 mm in diameter and make a noise when they dig into the wood.

The presence of woodworm can be a health hazard if it is accompanied by the presence of the Woodworm Mite (Pyemotes ventricosus), a small arthropod that feeds on woodworm larvae and can pose a risk to human health if it cannot find its natural prey and turns to humans.

Its stings cause allergic dermatitis characterised by strofuloid lesions, small blisters surrounded by a red halo. These appear a few hours after the bite, are very itchy and can last for several weeks.

For these reasons, it is important to recognise the presence of these pests and intervene as soon as possible with effective and safe woodworm treatments. Our treatments are suitable for all types of wooden artefacts and environments: furniture, supporting structures, floors, artistic artefacts.

After a free inspection, we will use our decades of experience to work with you to determine the most appropriate treatment for your needs, offering a quality, fast and efficient service.